International excursion 2018: Soils and land use in the upper Rhine graben and cuesta landscapes

The International SSSB excursion 2018  will be hosted by our German colleagues from Hohenheim University, Baden- Württemberg: May 21st – 25th,  2018

We will witness soilscapes and land use developed in unique geomorphological landscapes related to the Rhine River graben and its related cuesta landscapes. The geological setting comprise strata varying from old granites, Jurassic  clays and sandstone, to more recent mid-rift volcanics and loess. Together with altitude differences ranging from 100 to 1500 meters above sea level, ingredients are present for a myriad of soil types to evolve. Together with scholars from Hohenheim University our Belgian participants will be in a position to explore these soilscapes and land use and above all reflect on land use, sustainability in a perspective of cultural history.

More information and photo report here.