Date: 18 October 2024
We are joyful to announce that the SSSB organises an excursion, open to established and new members, on October 18th in Gedinne, the Ardennes.
During the day we will explore carefully selected parts of the geological and pedological trail of the Croix-Scaille (summary in French) and combine it with interactive examinations of soil profiles as well as participatory soil augering. This select mix of activities offers insights in some pedological peculiarities of the Ardennes and how field observations can contribute to understanding the relationship between rocks, soils and landscape. You will thus have the chance to discover, observe, scrutinize (by auger and on pits) some typical soils of the region, and discuss about their genesis, characteristics and connection with the landscape. In this process, we will be particularly attentive to share information adapted to each participant, whatever their area of expertise.

- 09.00 : bus pick up right at the back of the Namur railway station (Boulevard du Nord, see map).
- 10.00 : outcrop of the Fépin conglomerate
- 11.15 : soil profile – Podzol
- 12.30 : Tour du Millénaire – Welcome by the Mayor of Gedinne & lunch (bring it yourself ; 1 fresh local drink offered)
- 13.30 : soil augering – “Sol à argile blanche” (don’t hesitate to take your own auger !)
- 14.30 : soil profile – Acid brown forest soil & ICP Forests observation plot (intensive monitoring of forest ecosystems)
- 16.00 : former quarry (quartzite & phyllades) & soil profile – Acid brown forest soil with micropodzolisation
- 17.30 : back to the Namur railway station
Both morning spots are reached by bus. The three afternoon spots (points 4, 7/8 & 13 of the geopedological trail) are located along a 2 km route (4 km round trip) that we’ll do on foot, through very accessible roads.

Registration and fee
The fee is 30 € for members (30 € + membership for people who are not yet members). This fee includes access to the profiles, excursion guide, transportation, and 1 local drink during the lunch. The number of participants is restricted to 35 for practical reasons, registration will be handled on a “first-come first-served” basis. Registration is open till October 1st.
Looking forward to meet you in autumn at the plateau Croix-Scaille and take a new look at one of the largest European woodland areas!