Annual SSSB excursion in Gedinne (Ardennes)

Date: 18 October 2024

We are joyful to announce that the SSSB organises an excursion, open to established and new members, on October 18th in Gedinne, the Ardennes.

During the day we will explore carefully selected parts of the geological and pedological trail of the Croix-Scaille (summary in French) and combine it with interactive examinations of soil profiles as well as participatory soil augering. This select mix of activities offers insights in some pedological peculiarities of the Ardennes and how field observations can contribute to understanding the relationship between rocks, soils and landscape.  You will thus have the chance to discover, observe, scrutinize (by auger and on pits) some typical soils of the region, and discuss about their genesis, characteristics and connection with the landscape. In this process, we will be particularly attentive to share information adapted to each participant, whatever their area of expertise. 


  • 09.00 : bus pick up right at the back of the Namur railway station (Boulevard du Nord, see map).
  • 10.00 : outcrop of the Fépin conglomerate
  • 11.15 : soil profile – Podzol
  • 12.30 : Tour du Millénaire – Welcome by the Mayor of Gedinne & lunch (bring it yourself ; 1 fresh local drink offered)
  • 13.30 : soil augering – “Sol à argile blanche” (don’t hesitate to take your own auger !)
  • 14.30 : soil profile – Acid brown forest soil & ICP Forests observation plot (intensive monitoring of forest ecosystems)
  • 16.00 : former quarry (quartzite & phyllades) & soil profile – Acid brown forest soil with micropodzolisation
  • 17.30 : back to the Namur railway station


Both morning spots are reached by bus. The three afternoon spots (points 4, 7/8 & 13 of the geopedological trail) are located along a 2 km route (4 km round trip) that we’ll do on foot, through very accessible roads.

Registration and fee

The fee is 30 € for members (30 € + membership for people who are not yet members). This fee includes access to the profiles, excursion guide, transportation, and 1 local drink during the lunch. The number of participants is restricted to 35 for practical reasons, registration will be handled on a “first-come first-served” basis. Registration is open till October 1st.

Looking forward to meet you in autumn at the plateau Croix-Scaille and take a new look at one of the largest European woodland areas!

SSSB excursion 2023 to the Northern Campine

Date: 12 May 2023 – a big thanks to the organizers & all attending!

Excursion guide & further info now available

Original announcement

We are very pleased to announce that – after digging ourselves out of the swamp of the corona pandemic – our society’s annual excursion in May is back in full force! For this joyful occasion, we have prepared quite a show for you!

Our excursion will include:

  • Geo-archeological excavations in the cover sands of Lommel Kristalpark: during this visit Prof. Bart Vanmontfort and Dr. Marjolein Visser will unearth on the remnants of a hunter-gatherers society from late -glacial to early Holocene times. The excavations with huge horizontal sections not only show early human history, but also reveal numerous late-glacial soil- and terrain features which have marked past and present soil genesis. Take a stroll through truly spectacular Podzols and Allerød ice-features, set foot in a prehistoric camp or take refuge in a 20th century ammunition bunker.
  • University forest Beverbeek, Hamont-Achel: Dr. Stefaan Dondeyne will take us on a below-ground trip to the Middle-Ages with Plaggic Anthrosols along with related landscape and land use features (Pine forest with human disturbed Podzols; forest conversion, wetlands with bog myrtle and outfields separated from the infields by a ditch and an earthen bank (Dutch: ‘wolvensprong ’).
  • A step over the border to the ‘Kraanvenne’ nature reserve with shifting dunes and Heathlands
  • A final stop at Achel Kluis for our society’s famous ‘Sundowner’!

Registration & fee

The excursion is exclusive to members, so the fee is 60 Euro for members, or 60 Euro + membership for people who are not yet members. This fee includes access to the profiles, excursion guide, transportation, and drink during the ‘Sundowner’.

Registrations are open NOW, so get ready to ‘get some sand in your shoes’! The number of participants is restricted for practical reasons, registration will be handled on a ‘first-come first-served’ basis.

Diversity of wine-growing terroirs in Burgundy – international excursion 2020

May 2021

Burgundy, France

Our upcoming international excursion will focus on the “Diversity of wine-growing terroirs in Burgundy”. We will leave Belgium on Sunday 17 and arrive in Dijon at 5 pm. We will be in the vineyard plots and in the tasting cellars. We will leave Dijon on the 20th at 5 pm to reach Belgium in the late evening. News will come in the coming days about the final organization and registration processes

Organizer: Prof.-Em. B. Delvaux (UCLouvain)

Excursion 2019: Soil in the City

Soil in the city: man shaping the Ghent urban landscape, hydrology and soils

The annual excursion of SSSB of 2019 will take place on 24th of May in Ghent.Eventbrite - Soil in the City | Field tripDuring the excursion, we will move to a habitat unknown to many soil scientists: the city. Although Flanders is highly urbanised, the urban soilscape remains a blind spot in our soil science knowledge. During this excursion, we will explore how man, throughout history, has shaped, and is still shaping the landscape, hydrology and soils of the city of Ghent. The excursion stops will take us to different historic parts of Ghent that testify to the various interactions between humans, soil, landscape, and hydrology, and illustrate how this influences ecosystem service delivery.

Join us on the excursion to reflect on how we can characterize, evaluate and manage our urban soilscape, and this against the stunning scenery of the city of Ghent! Subscription here.

International excursion 2018: Soils and land use in the upper Rhine graben and cuesta landscapes

The International SSSB excursion 2018  will be hosted by our German colleagues from Hohenheim University, Baden- Württemberg: May 21st – 25th,  2018

We will witness soilscapes and land use developed in unique geomorphological landscapes related to the Rhine River graben and its related cuesta landscapes. The geological setting comprise strata varying from old granites, Jurassic  clays and sandstone, to more recent mid-rift volcanics and loess. Together with altitude differences ranging from 100 to 1500 meters above sea level, ingredients are present for a myriad of soil types to evolve. Together with scholars from Hohenheim University our Belgian participants will be in a position to explore these soilscapes and land use and above all reflect on land use, sustainability in a perspective of cultural history.

More information and photo report here.

Two-day excursion to the International Soil Reference and Information Centre and to the periglacial soilscapes around Wageningen | June 2-3, 2014

Dear all,

Hereby I am happy to announce the 2014 excursion of the Soil Science Society of Belgium:

Two-day excursion to the International Soil Reference and Information Centre and to the periglacial soilscapes around Wageningen

June 2-3, 2014 

Kindly find the invitation and registration form attached to this email. Please register before MAY 5 if you want to join.

Best regards,

Karen Vancampenhout
